Friday 28 March 2014

Evaluation - Question 4

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
This is a member of my target audience: her name is Mollie Corrish and she is 17. She is an accurate representation of many people within my target demographic due to her overall look and interests.

Mollie's favourite shops are Zara and Topshop which are both very popular with my demographic. These are both seen as quite up-market and sometimes pricey high street stores which sell sophisticated, classy, edgy and on trend clothing - this could reflect the rest of my target audience. Some of the clothing from these shops can be quite lavish, which reflects the confident personalities of my demographic and could mirror the lifestyle they lead.

Mollie listens to music by Beyonce and Bruno Mars, who are two artists that would fit well in my magazine as they represent sophistication and mature music. I have mentioned Beyonce in my magazine (X Music), so Mollie and many other people within my target demographic who are similar to her will be attracted to it. I also researched into Rolling Stone magazine and saw that Bruno Mars was on the cover - this magazine resembles mine in many ways, therefore if he was featured in X Music, it would again appeal to the audience.

Mollie's favourite programmes are Gossip Girl and Keeping Up With The Kardashians - these are two programmes that are very popular at the moment with young women/teenage girls, therefore could suggest that my target audience likes to keep up to date with popular culture, and likes to watch the shows that have a buzz and interest surrounding them. According to my Q magazine research, Q readers are more likely to influence their peers, therefore if a few people are watching a programme, it is likely that their friends will be too. This is similar to my magazine as the two target audiences (Q and X Music) are closely related.

Project Phoenix 2008 was research done by Bauer Media to find out more about the audience of music magazines. They conducted 1800 interviews with consumers aged 16-45 to find out which category people would fit into. The categories are:
- Pace-setters who take up 17% of the 16-45 population
- Background Listeners who take up 39% of the 16-45 population
- The Headliners who take up 20% of the 16-45 population
- Track Hunters who take up 24% of the 16-45 population
I believe that my target demographic would fit in The Headliners category, as they like music, but are no more passionate about it than the average person of the same age. They are into music which has a lot to do with what's hot at the moment, such as big name artists, people in the press a lot and big summer anthems.
Headliners are more likely to be under 30 which fits well with the age of my target demographic. They are more likely than other categories to place emphasis on whether the artist is well known or whether they think the artist is cool. Fame and celebrity are important factors to them - sometimes the face of the artist is more interesting than the music.
For Headliners, when out clubbing, socializing with friends is more important than seeing the DJ. It is about the overall experience and not just seeing the act; it's about having fun and and seeing friends.

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