Saturday 15 March 2014

Audience Response - Questionnaire and Results

What do you think are the most effective aspects of my final products and why?
-Colour scheme works well, images stand out
-The graphics, very eye catching
-Colour scheme, artist images
-Colour and design, photos of models
-The photos are professional looking and are very aesthetically pleasing
-Pictures stand out
-Neutral colours, photography, fonts
-Colour scheme and layout of double page spread, amount of pictures included

If anything, what would you change about my final products to make them better and why?
-Some images are similar
-Big double page spread, image in colour
-Maybe have the model's hand in front of the "too young" box, nothing else
-Make it more appealing to men
-Magazine masthead could be more dominant
-Change the size of the font on the cover regarding the main story

I conducted a questionnaire to gather audience feedback. I gave it out to people within my target demographic so I could get an accurate representation of what people think of my magazine. Overall, I am very happy with the results. It seemed that people within a younger age group (16-21) feel like the magazine appeals to them more, but this is okay because someone in the 22-27 age group felt like it appealed to them also. Only two people said that they don't feel as if  my magazine appeals to their gender, and these were both males; my magazine is mainly aimed at a female demographic anyway, so I still feel like my magazine appeals to my chosen target audience.

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