Friday 17 January 2014


I devised a questionnaire to get a general idea about what people want from a music magazine. I decided to ask mostly young adults between the ages 16 and 21 because I would like my magazine to appeal to partly this age group, however I asked one person in the 34+ category because I want my audience to be 16-35. This way, my magazine will appeal to a wider audience. From my results, I have found that the most popular music genre with my audience is pop, although a popular music magazine is NME. However, Q and Rolling Stone were also popular and have a similar genre and style to each other, and with their results together, these magazines were more popular than NME. I will take this into account when creating my magazine: it will have the look and feel of Q or Rolling Stone and be in the genre of pop. This will give my magazine a more glossy, up-market feel that will appeal to my audience, as the target demographic for Q magazine is mainly people in their 30s, and Rolling Stone is 18-30. I decided to ask both males and females as I want my magazine to appeal to both genders, however I would like to target it more towards females. Q is mainly aimed at males, but I will include features that are attractive to both genders, giving it a wider appeal. I asked what band/solo artist would most likely attract my audience to the cover of a magazine because, I can maybe base my cover photo on the style of the most popular bands or solo artists chosen by my demographic. I will take into consideration the results of this when carrying out my photo shoot.

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