Thursday 13 February 2014

Contents Page Main Image

I chose this image from the photo shoot to be my main contents page image as I think it has personality, and Francesca's pose adds to the cool vibe of my magazine. Her pose could also link somehow to the article in the double page spread, for example it could show how she's feeling about releasing her new album. I also like the fact it is a long shot and her outfit is fully visible because this is the type of clothing I envisage my target demographic to wear: quite simplistic in terms of colour but stylish and on-trend. I like how there is a gap on the right because this is where I intend to place the text, and that way the image will still be fully on show.
I have edited this image on Photoshop by changing the brightness and contrast to make it look more slick and neat, so it will match my front cover image more and keep my magazine consistent.
Edited Image

Original Image

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